Material related to rehearsal and performance, including a published copy (Stuttgart: Verlag der J. G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung, 1894; 13th edition), which has been annotated as a prompt-book; and 11 handwritten role books, for the following parts: Kommerzienrat Mühlingk; Frau Mühlingk; Kurt; Lenore; Robert Heinecke; der alte Heinecke; Frau Heinecke; Auguste; Machalski; Frau Hebenstreit; and Wilhelm, Diener. (The play has several additional roles: Lothar Brand; Hugo Stengel; Graf von Trast-Saarberg; Alma; and Johann, Kutscher.) The published copy apparently belonged to Theodor Bloch (his last name is written on one of the first pages). In the 1880s and into the 1890s Bloch was a prompter in German-language theater in Philadelphia, and also ran a theater lending library. Names of cast members noted on the covers of role books reflect the cast that performed the play in Philadelphia in Feb. 1895, as documented in a theater newspaper (folder 710). See also two other theater newspapers regarding performances in Philadelphia in April 1890 (folder 707; a brief announcement only) and Oct. 1890 (folder 700; regarding a guest ensemble from New York), as well as a brief reference on an oversized playbill for April 1890 (folder 724).